This 1.5 -mile loop trail is open to the public thanks to the generosity of landowners Philip and Diane Merritt. The trail offers spectacular views of the Connecticut River Valley and Mt. Tom Range, and is now protected with a 10-year trail easement held by Hilltown Land Trust.
This trail offers options of a woods road or woodland trail to reach the “Big View”. Both routes have steep sections and are of moderate difficulty.
HLT protected the trail with a trail easement as part of the Voluntary Public Access Program, an initiative which seeks to create more publicly-accessible areas on privately-held land. We were very excited to work with our partners Franklin Land Trust and Williamsburg Woodland Trails (WWT), as well as landowners Phillip and Diane Merritt, to protect this scenic spot for public enjoyment.
For a trail map, visit the WWT webpage.
Parking and Directions:
From Route 9 in Williamsburg Center, take South Street approximately 1 ½ miles and then turn right on to Unquomonk Road. Two small parking areas are located at the trailhead on the left, ¼ mile up the road.