Hilltown Land Trust is partnering up with the Westfield River Wild & Scenic Committee to offer an multi-day intensive training for people interested in becoming advocates for vernal pools in Western Massachusetts. The training is aimed at residents of the 16 towns served by Hilltown Land Trust and/or part of the Westfield River Wild & Scenic designation.
Towns: Ashfield, Becket, Chester, Chesterfield, Conway, Cummington, Goshen, Huntington, Middlefield, Plainfield, Savoy, Washington, Westhampton, Williamsburg, Windsor, Worthington
The training will take place over the course of three days:
Friday, April 26th: 5 – 9pm (Lecture & Slide Show)
Saturday, April 27th: 9 – 3pm Field day #1
Saturday, May 4th: 9 – 3pm. Field Day #2 and certification
We are looking for representatives from as many towns as possible. Training is limited to 20 participants (with one spot reserved for each town and four open to duplicates). Spaces are filling quickly, so be sure to reserve your space soon!
For more details, read the flyer below (click for larger version). For questions and to register, call Meredyth Babcock at 413-623-2070 or email volunteer@wildscenicwestfieldriver.org.